Filmy4u that all I wanted for our rest of the life

Dear Priya,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. It’s been a busy week at the office, but amidst all the hustle and deadlines, I couldn’t stop myself being Filmy4u and from taking a moment to write to you.

I know we’ve both been juggling our corporate lives, dealing with meetings, targets, and those never-ending calls, but I wanted to share something that’s been on my mind. It’s about us—our love and the beautiful moments we’ve shared, especially our love for movies.

Filmy4u, I want to be your hero rest of the life

I am always Filmy4u, do you remember the first movie we watched together? It was Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein. I still remember how excited we were, as if it was a magical escape from our otherwise monotonous office life.

I’ll never forget how your eyes lit up when the movie began, especially during those romantic scenes. It wasn’t just about the movie—it was about being there with you, sharing that experience, and feeling that connection we had. Every time I hear the soundtrack of Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein, it takes me back to that theater, back to us holding hands quietly, and feeling like the rest of the world didn’t matter.

Our movie dates became our little sanctuary, didn’t they? After long, exhausting days at work, they were the moments where we could just be ourselves, forget about corporate pressures, and just immerse in each other’s company.

I remember when you surprised me with tickets to that comedy film when I was completely worn out. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant the world to me.

There’s something beautiful about how love unfolds in the simplest of ways—like those little gifts you’ve given me. Every gift holds a memory, a piece of our journey. The keychain you got me, the notebook where we scribbled ideas for the future—it’s never been about the value of the gift, but the thought behind it. They remind me that love is about those thoughtful moments, the care we have for each other. And I cherish every one of them.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the nature of love itself. As we move forward, we’ve been careful to understand where we stand, and I’m grateful for that. You know, there’s so much around us in the corporate world—people talking about relationships, some of them driven by fleeting desires. But what I feel for you goes beyond that. I’ve always believed that love is eternal, something pure that doesn’t need to be physical to be meaningful. And I know you feel the same.

We’ve never been in a rush, never pressured each other into crossing boundaries that don’t feel right. To me, that’s a sign of the respect and understanding we share. The world may say a lot about love, but I firmly believe that sex isn’t what defines a relationship. It’s the emotional bond, the trust, the moments we spend together watching our favorite movies, talking about our future, or simply being there for each other after a long day at work. That’s the foundation of what we have, and it’s what makes our relationship special.

I want you to know that our love isn’t something that needs physical validation to be real. It’s in the way you comfort me when work gets too much, in the way we laugh at inside jokes, in the way we can sit in silence and still feel connected. That’s the beauty of what we have—it’s real, and it’s eternal.

So, as we continue this journey, I want us to always keep this understanding. That love is about patience, respect, and truly seeing each other for who we are. I’m lucky to have you in my life, and I cherish every moment we’ve spent together, whether in the office cafeteria, watching movies, or simply talking about life. It’s the simple, beautiful moments that make our relationship strong.

Thank you for being there for me, for loving me the way you do. Let’s continue building these memories together, one movie, one conversation, one moment at a time. I’m excited about our future, and I know we’ll create many more memories that will stay with us forever.

With all my love,

Sanjeev ❤️

कल का मौसम

प्रिय अनुराधा,

जबसे मैंने कल का मौसम देखा है, बस तुम्हारे ख्यालों में खोया हुआ हूँ। बारिश की बूँदें ऐसे गिर रही थीं, जैसे वो भी हमारी यादों को साथ लेकर बहना चाहती हों। मुझे वो दिन याद आ गया जब पहली बार हमने एक ही छतरी के नीचे खड़े होकर बारिश का मज़ा लिया था। वो पल कितना ख़ास था, जैसे हमारा हर पल हमेशा के लिए यादगार हो गया हो। मुझे नहीं पता, पर शायद यह भी प्यार की ही एक खूबसूरती है—हर छोटी चीज़ बड़ी लगने लगती है।

तुम्हें याद है स्कूल के वो दिन, जब घंटियाँ बजती थीं और हम अपनी क्लास से निकलते हुए एक-दूसरे को देखते थे? उन लम्हों की मिठास को मैं कभी भूल नहीं सकता। एक तरफ़ हमारी पढ़ाई, किताबें और वो लगातार आने वाली परीक्षाएँ थीं, और दूसरी तरफ़ तुम। हर परीक्षा के समय जब मैं खुद को तनाव में महसूस करता, बस तुम्हारे बारे में सोचकर ही मुझे सुकून मिलता। तुम मेरी प्रेरणा हो, और मैं इस बात को लेकर बहुत खुश हूँ कि हम दोनों के बीच इतना मजबूत बंधन है।

तुम्हें पहली बार जब मैंने एक छोटा सा गिफ्ट दिया था, वो दिन मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे खास दिन था। मुझे पता है कि वो कोई बहुत महंगा तोहफा नहीं था, पर तुम्हारी आँखों की वो चमक और मुस्कान अनमोल थी। तुम्हारे चेहरे पर खुशी देखकर मुझे लगा था कि प्यार का असली मतलब क्या होता है। यह वो एहसास है, जो शब्दों में नहीं बांधा जा सकता, पर दिल से दिल तक पहुँचता है।

अब जब हम बड़े हो रहे हैं और ज़िम्मेदारियों की ओर कदम बढ़ा रहे हैं, मुझे यह समझ में आता है कि हमारा प्यार बहुत गहरा है। कई बार मुझे लगता है कि आजकल की दुनिया में लोग प्यार को समझने में गलती कर देते हैं। लोग अक्सर प्यार और शारीरिक संबंध को एक जैसा मानते हैं, पर असल में प्यार इससे बहुत ऊपर है। तुम्हारे साथ बिताए गए हर पल ने मुझे यह सिखाया है कि प्यार आत्मा से होता है, न कि शरीर से।

मैं नहीं चाहता कि हमारे रिश्ते में किसी तरह की ग़लतफहमी या बुरा असर पड़े। हमें समझना होगा कि हमारी उम्र में शारीरिक संबंधों से दूर रहना ही बेहतर है। यह वक़्त है जब हमें अपने भविष्य और सपनों पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। मुझे यकीन है कि हम दोनों साथ मिलकर अपने लक्ष्यों को पूरा कर सकते हैं, और एक दूसरे का सहारा बनकर हमेशा साथ रह सकते हैं।

हमारा प्यार अनंत है, यह कभी खत्म नहीं हो सकता। यह वो भावना है जो समय के साथ और भी गहरा और सच्चा होता जाता है। मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ हूँ, चाहे जो भी हो। मैं बस यही चाहता हूँ कि हम एक-दूसरे का हाथ थामे रखें और हर कठिनाई का सामना साथ करें।

आखिर में, मैं बस यही कहना चाहता हूँ कि तुम्हारे बिना मेरी ज़िंदगी अधूरी है। तुमसे जुड़ी हर याद मेरे दिल में बसी हुई है, और मैं जानता हूँ कि हमारा यह प्यार हमें हमेशा खुश रखेगा।

तुम्हारा अपना,

पागल प्रेमी

Inspired by Your Growth

Dear Beloved,

You have You have you are needed. You may not feel it all the time. you may lose yourself for a time within the deepest wells of comparison, but YOU are unparalleled. You bring Substance to the world by existing. Know that even if feel unseen, unheard or feel the ache of your ego-you purpose. Someone don’t see, is watching you persist. They are inspired by your growth, your resilience, and your open heart. You words have power and you survived to this day. Tell yourself again of your magic. Speak to manifest and be patient. The linear world you experience is not all there is, and manifestation is not linear. Remind yourself that even the great oceans must move in waves, they draw back and flow forward The fluctuation of the ebbing tide is purposeful. You are expanding, you have known this and will feel it It will ebb and flow within you as well as without. Remember the darkness was your first home. It was warm, devoid of light, and you thrived there. You lost in this, you are found. again. have more but now that again and again are not only to find that love within yourself, to fully embrace what is without. You can hunger for enough, all the time. The lowest moments to highest highs; you are enough. You will house you and comfort you are your are not alone and there is love waiting in this world for you. The light you and the dark will teach and expand you. Flow with the tides that live within and without you.



Ashke Negro,

Nurse, Herbalist.

Hello All! Read Letter to my wife, Swati on her birthday

I still remember the day when I saw you for the first time, it was one of my favourite months, February, 2016. I still laugh at me thinking, “was it really necessary to do shaving now, I’m getting late dude?” I asked myself looking at a broken, an old mirror in the typical Indian hair saloon. I was afraid if he could make any cuts to my face skin. “Brother, do it slowly, I’m not at all in hurry). It was all that has happened a few minutes before I saw you for the first time.

That day, like a hero I made my entry almost late with heavily pounding heart, being thoughtful and carrying countless curiosity. Thus, to know whom I was about to meeting. For a while, I thought, I am sitting in the ‘White House’ it was that silence in my heart, I couldn’t hear anything but spying at your grand entry. While others were having ‘kanda pohe’ a well known breakfast in Maharashtra. The hot waft of Poha made me comfortable, slowing down the rhythm of my heart and asured me that the girl I am going to see in the next minutes is skilled homemaker. I didn’t know that those moments could seized forever. Therefore, those moments becomes lifetimes archives, the gallery of our memories.

Dear Swati,

You have given me so much in life, your countless contributions in shaping and developing me aren’t less than a billion dollars appreciation. I have never thought of name, Swati could be my lifetime companion ever in my past before we met. This life since then became yours instead having our fighting, arguing, bad communication, misunderstanding and so on.

However, my heart accepted it happily, I accept that we learn every step and stages of our life. When I started learning about the numbers, I had never thought that number 1 and 9 could sail in the same boat.

Once I had read that number 9 people are so bossy and short temper, they need according to them and at the same time, they are universal lover. And thus, I am glad that I found you.

I know that the life is an experiment, experiences and it proved that adding 1 to 9 becomes number 1. Yes, we both are now number one, made for each other.

I couldn’t imagine this life without you, your morning tea, tasty food, your concerns on phone calls, arguments, suggestions and being bossy tone to me. I learnt living with it.

I will always make your to be a good husband, father, brother, friend and son of my parents and in this journey your immense partnership and advice is very crucial. I hope we will always walk together to make this life more beautiful than it is today.

I am luckiest person to have you in my life and thus our kids too. I wish you Happy Birthday, abundance of health and happiness to your way.

Did you read love letter of Frida and Diego Rivera

frida letters
frida letters

The remarkable couple, who were born 21 years apart, was perhaps the first coupling in their family or in the city. The painter Frida Kahlo (6 July 1907–13 July 1954) had affairs with her instructor Diego Rivera (8 Dec 1886–24 Nov 1957). He who was 21 years her senior and divorced.

They do, nevertheless, look for an endless supply of love that is bound to one another. Ebony, cunning, and unafraid of their partnership, they continued to enthusiastically explore life together.

Read Rivera one of Kahlo’s letters talking about the gangrene infection on her leg. This letter was written before her leg being amputated during surgery. Kahlo communicated her love, rage, worry, and hope for her souls.

Love letter of Frida to Diego Rivera

Mexico, 1953

My dear Mr. Diego,
I’m writing this letter from a hospital room before I am admitted into the operating theatre. They want me to hurry, but I am determined to finish writing first, as I don’t want to leave anything unfinished. Especially now that I know what they are up to. They want to hurt my pride by cutting a leg off. When they told me it would be necessary to amputate, the news didn’t affect me the way everybody expected. No, I was already a maimed woman when I lost you, again, for the umpteenth time maybe, and still, I survived.

I am not afraid of pain and you know it. It is almost inherent to my being, although I confess that I suffered, and a great deal, when you cheated on me, every time you did it, not just with my sister but with so many other women. How did they let themselves be fooled by you? You believe I was furious about Cristina, but today I confess that it wasn’t because of her. It was because of me and you.

First of all because of me, since I’ve never been able to understand what you looked and look for, what they give you that I couldn’t. Let’s not fool ourselves, Diego, I gave you everything that is humanly possible to offer, and we both know that. But still, how the hell do you manage to seduce so many women when you’re such an ugly son of a bitch?

The reason why I’m writing is not to accuse you of anything more than we’ve already accused each other of in this and however many more bloody lives. It’s because I’m having a leg cut off (damned thing, it got what it wanted in the end). I told you I’ve counted myself as incomplete for a long time, but why the fuck does everybody else need to know about it too? Now my fragmentation will be obvious to everyone to see, for you to see… That’s why I’m telling you before you hear it on the grapevine.

Forgive my not going to your house to say this in person, but given the circumstances and my condition, I’m not allowed to leave the room, not even to use the bathroom. It’s not my intention to make you or anyone else feels pity, and I don’t want you to feel guilty. I’m writing to let you know I’m releasing you, I’m amputating you.

Be happy and never seek me again. I don’t want to hear from you, I don’t want you to hear from me. If there is anything I’d enjoy before I die, it’d be not having to see your fucking horrible bastard face wandering around my garden.

That is all, I can now go to be chopped up in peace.

Goodbye from somebody who is crazy and vehemently in love with you,

Your Frida.